Food for families

Nourishment to over 15,000 individuals annually, ensuring families in our community don't go hungry.

After-School &
Summer Hot Meals
United Community Centers provides 70,000 nutritious meals to children every year. Children receive a snack and meal during the school year. They receive two snacks and three meals during full-day care.
​Holiday Baskets
This program provides food for more than 1,000 local families that would otherwise be unable to celebrate. Approximately 95 percent of the families and seniors that receive Holiday Baskets earn at or below $17,000 annually, and many are underemployed or unemployed. Our annual Holiday Baskets help provide a meal for many that already rely on supplemental meal plans.
Weekly Center Groceries
United Community Centers provides approximately 27,000 pounds of food to an average of 1,200 families and senior citizens per month through its three neighborhood centers. More details, here.

UCC Mobile Food Pantry
The Tarrant Area Food Bank reached out to United Community Centers to be a mobile pantry host for North Fort Worth, and UCC jumped at the opportunity to further provide for the community at a nominal fee thanks to Tarrant Area Food Bank. A refrigerated 18-wheeler delivers 18,000 to 20,000 pounds of fresh produce and frozen grocery products once a month for distribution to approximately 400 households, every fourth Saturday of the month.
This mobile pantry has answered many prayers for additional food for the UCC Wesley Center and surrounding communities. United Community Centers hosts the pantry at the UCC Wesley Center located at 3600 N. Crump.
United Community Centers needs both one-time and ongoing volunteers. If you or a group are interested in volunteering, please sign up on our volunteer calendar here .