Education Literacy Program
UCC's Education Literacy Program supports academic growth for long-term success while providing a nurturing, supportive environment for children and families. This licensed childcare program serves over 250 pre-k through 7th-grade students after school, during the summer, spring break, and on all FWISD staff waiver days.​​​​
​UCC's research-based curriculum is taught in each grade level classroom and in individualized small groups with staffed Literacy Specialists.
Literacy Curriculum

Classroom activities include small group guided reading, daily message, read-alouds, learning centers, and technology settings that emphasize Science of Reading's instruction of: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, & Vocabulary Comprehension.
Literacy Specialists

In addition to each classroom teacher, each center is staffed with an Early Childhood Literacy Specialist and a Literacy Specialist dedicated to assessment, intervention, & curriculum development. All Literacy Specialists are highly experienced TEA State-Certified Professionals.
2024 Summer Literacy Adventures
June 3rd-August 2nd
UCC Summer Literacy Adventures includes UCC's personalized literacy assessment, intervention, & enrichment from experienced educators with added, special summer fun. Exciting and engaging classroom activities as well as field trip adventures to practice & broaden vocabulary knowledge.
Every child's adventure includes:
9-weeks of full-day, safe, affordable care with trained, supportive staff
Daily, curriculum-based instruction
Personalized attention with a Literacy Specialist
3 meals and 2 snacks per day
Fun, literacy focused arts, curriculum, & activities
Field trips to the Fort Worth Zoo, museums, movie theater, and more
Sponsor a child's summer experience today, here!
Students who don’t master basic reading skills by 3rd grade are 6x more likely to not finish high school.
Of students who entered below grade level GAINED
Of 3rd – 5th grade students GAINED
Of all
students GAINED
Of UCC students reading at or above grade level (compared to 45% at state average)

UCC's Nutritional Meal Program provides over 98,456 meals each year for youth in our afterschool & summer programs. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks are prepared fresh on site in UCC's commercial kitchen by dedicated meal & kitchen staff. ​​​​