
Make a difference and build bright futures for our community.

Mobile Food Pantry Volunteers
Everyone deserves access to basic needs, especially food, and the UCC mobile food pantry at our Wesley Center provides fresh groceries to over 200 families each 4th Saturday of the month. Over 90% of families living in our center neighborhoods live with below $30,000 annual income for a family of four, and we rely on volunteer support to successfully operate each food pantry. Sign-up for the next pantry, here, today!
Weekday Center Volunteers
All three of our centers are often looking for a variety of assistance during the day. Needs include kitchen & food pantry help, clothing room organization, classroom material prep, and more. Please visit the below calendar of the center you are interested in volunteering at for more details and to sign-up today!
951 Evans Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
(817) 332-7911
Johnetta Brookins, Center Director
3100 Avenue I
Fort Worth, TX 76103
(817) 531-2803
Sam Chavez, Center Director
3600 N Crump St.
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(817) 625-8205
Irma Hernandez, Center Director